Circulation: 水腫舒緩
NT$ 22.00
- 取適量精油 (大約10滴),搭配淋巴按摩手法,塗抹於水腫部位。
- 可搭配按摩以下穴位:
- 足三里穴:位於小腿前側,膝蓋下方約四指寬的地方,有助於改善循環與消除腫脹。
- 三陰交穴:位於內腳踝上方約三指寬的地方,有助於促進身體排水與氣血循環。
- 按摩後,可使用溫水泡腳,促進血液循環,並深度放鬆身心。
- 建議避免長時間維持同一姿勢,並配合均衡健康的飲食習慣。
- 規律運動:
運動前後塗抹精油,可進行低強度的有氧運動如快走或游泳,幫助促進全身循環並幫助排除多餘水分。 - 抬腿休息:
塗抹精油後,可每天花10-15分鐘將雙腿抬高至高於心臟的位置,有助於減少下肢水腫,特別適合久坐或久站後的疲勞恢復。 - 多飲水與健康飲食:
- 本產品採用100%純天然成分,手工調製,不含防腐劑、礦物油、人工香料或色素等化學添加物。
- 建議保存於乾燥陰涼處,避免陽光直射及高溫環境。
- 未開封且暫不使用時,可存放於4°C冷藏,延長保存期限,確保品質穩定。
- 開封後請於3至6個月內使用完畢。
- 天然油品非藥物。如有健康問題,請及早就醫。
- 使用時請避開敏感部位,如眼睛、鼻腔、口部及破損肌膚。
- 兒童及孕婦不適用。如有需求,請參考我們網站上的孕媽媽系列或兒童系列品項。
- 使用過程中請避免接觸滴管頭,以免污染產品內容物,影響使用品質。
愛地球,愛自己: 無化學物 | 無防腐劑 | 無人工香料
Specially designed to relieve swelling, this oil promotes blood and lymphatic circulation, tightens the skin, and repairs puffiness, helping you feel lighter and more refreshed. The natural botanical ingredients also help soothe the mind and restore balance between the inner self and outer appearance.
Usage Instructions:
- Apply a small amount of oil to swollen areas and gently massage using lymphatic techniques, focusing on these key acupressure points:
- Zusanli (ST36): Located on the front of the lower leg, about four finger-widths below the kneecap, it helps improve circulation and ease lower-body swelling.
- Sanyinjiao (SP6): Found about three finger-widths above the inner ankle, this point boosts circulation and supports natural water metabolism.
- After the massage, soak your feet in warm water to further enhance circulation and relaxation.
Complementary Natural Ways to Reduce Swelling:
- Regular Exercise:
Engage in low-intensity aerobic activities such as brisk walking or swimming, which promote circulation and help the body eliminate excess fluids. Aim for 20-30 minutes daily. - Leg Elevation:
Spend 10-15 minutes each day with your legs elevated above heart level to reduce lower limb swelling, especially after prolonged sitting or standing. - Hydration and Healthy Diet:
Drink plenty of water throughout the day and avoid high-sodium foods to help regulate the body’s fluid balance and minimize swelling.
Natural Ingredients and Storage:
- Crafted with 100% natural ingredients, this product is hand-blended and completely free from preservatives, mineral oils, artificial fragrances, or chemical additives.
- Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat to maintain optimal product performance.
- If unopened and not intended for immediate use, refrigeration at 4°C is recommended to extend the shelf life and preserve product quality.
- Once opened, use within 3–6 months.
Friendly Reminders:
- This product is not a medical treatment. If you experience any health issues, please consult a healthcare professional promptly.
- Avoid applying to sensitive areas such as the eyes, nostrils, mouth, or broken skin.
- Not suitable for children or pregnant women. For suitable alternatives, please explore our website, designed to meet their specific needs.
- Refrain from touching the dropper tip during use to prevent contamination and ensure product quality.