𓇼 Natural Hair Body Cleanser ⎜ 安心洗髮沐浴乳
- 以每月精選的純天然精油,療癒頭皮肌膚與心靈
- 成分:溫和植物皂/ 100% 有機及天然精油/ 有機辣木油 (Moringa oil)/ 有機荷荷芭油 (Jojoba Oil)/ 西班牙特級葡萄籽油
- 安心無毒配方,不含防腐劑,parabens, sulphates, alcohol, SLS, citric acid, chlorides, artificial fragrance, artificial colors, pigments, oxides等有毒物質
- 天然配方溫和洗淨髮絲及肌膚
- 久置分層,為正常現象,可搖晃均勻後再使用即可
- 無矽靈,洗完髮絲會呈現天然澀澀感。建議搭配頭皮養護油使用
- 若無法在三個月內使用完,可放冰箱冷藏保存,延長使用壽明
500ml/ Price 1300
Essential oil blends of the month/ Organic Jojoba oil/ Organic Moringa Oil/ Grape seed oil
Soothe your hair and body with a blend of calming essential oils, hydrating organic jojoba oil and replenishing organic moringa oil. This natural formula gently removes toxins from your body and mind, cleansing skin and scalp without causing irritation or drying out the body.